LSF Blog
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Tongue training: Why tongue placement matters for clear speech
This blog post will explore why tongue placement is so vital for speech correction and how we use tools and techniques to help our clients find their ‘sweet spot’ for sound production.
Navigating the exciting 9–18 months journey: Your baby’s communication milestones
Let’s delve into what you can expect when your baby is 9 to 18 months old, a period filled with exciting milestones in speech, language, and social development.
Milestones matter: What to expect in your baby’s first year of communication
In this post I present some key speech, language, attention, play, and communication milestones you can expect to see between 6 and 9 months.
The joy of container play: Exploring play development and understanding of how things work
Have you heard of ‘Container play’?
It is a simple and powerful tool for fostering development in young children and I use is often. Let me explain it to you.
Your baby’s communication journey: 3–6 months
Your baby is learning and growing every day! Discover the amazing communication milestones happening between 3—6 months and how you can be a part of your baby’s journey.
Ages and Stages: 0–3 months
What do we offer our babies from 0–3 months old? What toys? What are the best early activities for our baby to develop? I get asked this a lot so here are my suggestions.
Speech Sound Challenges: A focus on /L/ and /Y/
How we move from an EAR 👂 to Y? Watch and learn in my latest blog on Speech Sound Challenges.
Feeding Therapy – What can a Speech Therapist help with and how does it work?
Feeding your child can be the most satisfying time of the day or it can be the worst, stressful and hardest thing to do. But you are not alone. Learn how a Feeding Therapist can help.
A helpful addition in my toolbox for lisp correction
Let me introduce you to a tool I have used many times for three years on a variety of clients with varying degrees of lisps: the MUPPY (a vestibular orthodontic plate).