Discover the secrets to applying for an Education and Healthcare Plan

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Navigating the education and healthcare system isn’t easy, which you’re all too familiar with. You want what’s best for your child so that they can thrive. This isn’t about achieving top grades in class or getting into a top set in a subject. It’s allowing independence, being able to make developmentally appropriate choices and giving them a voice, allowing them to be heard.

You may be at the start of your journey or going through the process of applying for an Education and Healthcare Plan (EHCP). You feel lost and have minimal confidence in the system, and every question you ask feels like it’s challenging every belief you have. But you know you must carry on. You worry that your child’s EHCP will be rejected and that this will prevent them from achieving their potential. You’re aware of the importance to put forward your child’s case and advocate for them. What the panel don’t see is that you have your child’s best interests in mind every single minute of every single day. Fighting for their needs is tough on your family.

Let me guide you through some of the most frequently asked questions, allowing you to feel more confident in the process and how together we can make a difference to your child’s future.

1. What is an EHCP?

An EHCP is a legal binding document which provides support for children up until the age of 25. These are for children who require more support than the provision given through Special Educational Needs.

2. Why is an EHCP used?

An EHCP is used to help you get the correct support for your child, so they can achieve their potential, and improve the quality of their learning. It also allows support for the family.

3. What is the role of a Speech and Language Therapist in the process of applying for an EHCP?

The role of a Speech and Language Therapist is to assess your child’s speech, language, and communication. It forms part of the plan to see what extra support is needed to access their education and reach their full potential. A report will be formulated and identify any limitations in your child’s communication profile and how these impact on their education.

4. What areas does an EHCP cover?

The EHCP document is very detailed to demonstrate what support your child needs and is likely to need. There are 11 sections (A-K). It covers the following:

  • A – An overview of the child to include your child’s interests and wishes.
  • B – A detailed explanation of your child’s needs which includes their cognition and learning ability, communication and interaction skills, social, emotional, and mental health and sensory and physical disabilities.
  • C – The healthcare needs of your child which may include physical or mental health difficulties, difficulties with eating, anxiety, and epilepsy.
  • D – The social care needs of your child such as being able to take part in activities outside of school.
  • E – This section collates all the information and discusses the outcomes which are based on the assessment (which includes educational aims such as success in education or participation).
  • F – Section F details the provision required to meet their needs.
  • G – Section G is where you’ll need information about their learning difficulty or disability which may include information about equipment or medication (e.g., software or a specialist wheelchair).
  • H – You’ll provide details on social care for your child (such as activities attended outside of school or any short breaks). This is also the section to write about the support you get at home as a family.
  • I – Section I should give details on the education setting your child attends.
  • J – This section contains information about finances you will receive to get the support your child needs.
  • K – The final section contains all the supporting documentation (such as assessments, reports, and advice).

Together we can achieve support

Whilst this may seem daunting, it is necessary to gain the support your child requires. I will guide you through the process, step by step, so you feel confident in the application that you submit on your child’s behalf. This document supports your child’s future.

Let’s break down the barriers and allow your child to learn and flourish. It’s their time to be independent.

Support is only a click away. I’m here to help.

Find a speech and language therapist for your child in London. Are you concerned about your child’s speech, feeding or communication skills and don’t know where to turn? Please contact me and we can discuss how I can help you or visit my services page.


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