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Story Time

Published by: Ladybird – ISBN: 978-0-72327-169-7 Here’s another great little find – I use this book a lot. Whether or not your little one is a Peppa fan, this is a delightful find for any toddler or younger child trying to get to grips with the clock and time in general. It is hard back, so nice and sturdy with…

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Top Tips For The Best Chair When Weaning / Feeding Your Toddler

Top Tips For The Best Chair When Weaning / Feeding Your Toddler Many times I consult families for weaning or feeding difficulties and the immediate and most obvious problem I spot, as soon as I arrive or see any video footage for analysis: the high chair has no footrest! You know the one that is so popular from a certain…

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Joint Attention For Children With Autism

Why is joint engagement important for communication development? It has been well-documented that the development of joint attention is impaired in children who have social communication difficulties or autism. It is, in fact, this impairment which distinguishes children with ASD from children who have other developmental delays. A lack of joint attention in very young children is an early sign…

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Does your child say “Dough” instead of “Go”? Or “Tea” instead of “Key”? Do you hear a /Sh/ instead of an /S/ does “see” sound more like “she”? We Speechies call this a Fronting Pattern which means that a sound that should be produced at the back of the throat with the back of the tongue, like K or G…

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Pip and Posy, The Scary Monster by Axel Scheffler

Book Corner – Pip and Posy by Axel Scheffler

Pip and Posy by Axel Scheffler One of my all time favourite book series, Pip and Posy, oh sooo good. Before I tell you a bit about this book, just a few tips on reading aloud to children who are behind with their language and struggle to talk. It is often assumed that “reading a book” means that we read…

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A woman on the left is pointing to her open mouth. A girl on the right is looking at her and copying the mouth shape.

My child is very hard to understand! How can Speech Therapy help?

There are many reasons for speech sound delay or disorders and the first step is a thorough assessment. What does a Speech Assessment look like? With younger children, around 2 – 2.5 years we often start by collecting a good speech sample during play or general chatting. Sometimes we do this with an audiotape so that we are able to…

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Two adults and two children. The man, on the right, holds a book and one child points to it. The woman, on the left, holds up a baby.

Reading Recommendations

What a lovely picture you are probably thinking, a dad reading to his child, perfect! hmmmm… yes and no! Let me expand. It is of course lovely reading a book to your toddler and the more often you do, the better! If your child is speaking and listening well, if he/she is asking little questions and can hear dad talking…

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