LSF Blog
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Speech prompts and strategies I use in Speech Sound Therapy
Let me talk to you about speech prompts and strategies I use as a Speech and Language Therapist.
How can we support babbling and early speech development? SLT tricks and tips
I present here some tips and tricks from my experience of working with babies and toddlers who need a little bit of help and support to develop.
Let’s live and breathe AAC
All successful families where children start using their boards or their electronic AAC systems live and breath their system. Let me show you how!
Teletherapy: A fun and convenient way to help your child master those sounds!
Teletherapy can be a fantastic option to continue your child’s speech journey from the comfort of your own home! Let me show you why.
Answers to very common questions I get as a Feeding Therapist
What are hunger cues in newborn babies? How do we recognise when our baby is hungry? How often should we feed our baby?
These are very common questions I get as a Feeding Therapist.
Principles of motor learning in childhood apraxia of speech: A guide for parents and therapists
Understanding the principles of motor learning is crucial to support children with Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS) on their speech journey.
Unveiling the hidden spectrum: Why girls and autism often go unseen
Girls are tricky to diagnose when it comes to autism. Why should this be so? Well… spoiler alert… we girls are very good at camouflaging… Fancy that!??? Who’d have thought!?
Creating your calm: containment strategies for Sensory Processing Difficulties
One coping strategy for individuals with sensory processing difficulties (SPD) is ‘containment’. What do we mean by ‘containment’? Take a look at my blog.
Stage 2 NLA
I have written a blog on what to watch out for and what to do lots of now to support our child in this exciting new stage of Stage 2 NLA.