LSF Blog
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How do we know our Gestalt Learner is moving to Stage 2?
I have written a blog about NLA 2, how to know when our child is ready to move into NLA 2 and what to do when our child is beginning to create their own gestalt mixes.
Take a look at my blog if you need some tips and encouragement.
A day in my life as an Independent Speech and Language Therapist
Wanna know what I do all day? Take a look at my revised blog on the life of an Independent Speech and Language Therapist. I share a cross section of my daily activities with you for the simple reason that a lot of people seem interested in what I actually do.
Autism – Benefits of Early Assessment and Intervention
Consulting a Specialist Speech and Language Therapist can help you in several ways: Assessment, informal and formal observation, discussion and advice, onward referrals, direct intervention, parent coaching, educational support and much more, all geared towards supporting you the parents, and helping your child to flourish and thrive.
How do we play with our Gestalt Language Processors?
When working with Gestalt Language Processors, it is advisable to use child-led therapy. In this blog post I explain what it means and give some helpful pointers.
Developing Joint Attention
HAPPY NEW YEAR MY LOVELY FOLLOWERS! Thank you all so much for giving me the time of day to read or look at my posts. I really appreciate it! I will continue to try and offer you interesting points and snippets from my working life as the year goes on. Here is one.
Are the Gestalts I model easy to mix and match later on?
What most parents ask me is: ‘how do I talk to my little Gestalt Language Processor who is currently at stage 1?’ So let’s talk Gestalt Language Processing!
Help! My child has a lisp. What can we do about it?
Have a look at this blog post for a deep dive into the nature and treatment of lisps.
How to model AAC with our minimally speaking students?
Introducing an alternative communication system (AAC) to our child is for many of us a confusing and sometimes scary prospect, but it needn’t be! Let me reassure you and give some tips in this post.
Neurodiversity affirming Speech and Language Therapy
Play-based speech therapy follows and uses the natural inclination of children to engage in play activities as a therapeutic tool. Find out about neurodiversity affirming Speech Therapy in this post.