LSF Blog
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Explore the relationship between poor speech, language and communication and literacy skills
Communication skills are critical in all areas of communication throughout childhood and into adulthood. They are needed for understanding, narrating, making predictions and to develop social skills, for example in understanding everyday language or talking in the classroom or socialising with peers. Children with communication needs can experience low self-esteem, potential behavioural difficulties, lower school attendance and attainment. Communication skills…
Explore four truths or myths about speech, language, and communication
There are many truths and myths out there that I’d like to explain to prevent misunderstanding. This will enable you to support your child by seeking the correct information. Why not have a look at the following statements and decide if you think they are true or false? Flashcards will fix my child’s speech, language, and communication needs. Singing to…
Why teletherapy is great
Did you know that you don’t have to see a therapist with your child present to have improved communication? For younger children, evidence suggests that regular tailored interaction with parents/carers is as good as seeing a Speech and Language Therapist, with their advice followed. Often your child will respond better because they are in familiar surroundings with their favourite toys…
13 tips to support children and young people with food aversions
When you have a picky eater it’s easy to feel on edge and that others are judging your parenting skills. It is astonishing how suddenly the world and its brother/sister are all experts on how to feed your child, even the lady in the corner shop is not shy to offer unsolicited tips and advice on your child’s nutrition intake….
Explore 12 questions to determine whether your child may be Autistic
May your child be autistic? As professionals, when diagnosing young children with an Autistic Spectrum Condition, it is vital we work as a multi-disciplinary team, so you will likely see many professionals. This may include Educational Psychologist, Dietician, General Practitioner, Occupational Therapist, Paediatrician, Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Speech and Language Therapist and Social worker. Once the evidence is collated, then…
Support your autistic child’s communication by learning the stages of Gestalt Language Processing
If your child is using echolalia and/or has a diagnosis of autism, then your child’s way of processing language is most likely different to the classic way children typically learn language. We call this process Natural Language Acquisition or Gestalt Language Processing. Step by Step guide to Gestalt Learning Let’s explore the following stages of Gestalt Processing: Stage 1: communicative…
Explore activities for Gestalt Language Processors to aid communication
Explore how to improve communication skills for a Gestalt Language Processor
Let’s break it down into steps to make these complicated words easier to understand. Once you have a deeper understanding, you will then be able to support your child or young person develop their communication skills in the best way as a Gestalt Language Processor. Remember not every child will be a Gestalt Language Processor; if your child uses echolalia…